Why is English important in education?

By: Santiago Albán

Now a days we are living in a globalized world, which implies the use of a common language
For communication.

 English has become the universal language for communication, most of the countries in Asia
and others in Europe, have English as the second official language, knowing that most of the
People who visit them not only come from English speaking countries, but as well as many
Others, having in common, English as a universal language of communication.

But not just for tourism, when we talk about doing international business, English language
Comes to mind, you can’t learn dozens of languages in order to do business, but you can
Learn one that most of the majority of people in the world speaks and writes.

When you want to study abroad, but not only for English speaking countries, other Asian and
European universities required for you to approve a certain level of English to enroll in their
Programs. When you have to do a Phd not only abroad, but in Ecuador as well, you will have to
Approve certain level of English and most of the books come in English too.

So English has become part of our lives, it is not an option anymore, it is a necessity, a must do.

How is bilingual education different from a monolingual?

The number of kids learning two languages (one extra besides their native language) has
Increased lately. Having the advantage of speaking two languages in a globalized world in
Which we are living now, it is a great asset for kids in order to be able to survive in such a
Competitive world.

Not only their brains tends to accumulate more knowledge in a faster way but also they
Tend to think twice as fast to give answers and reason more than a monolingual person.
In the nearest future countries in Europe, will require instruction in French, Spanish,
German, Latin, and Mandarin by age 7.

The vocabulary advantages of monolingualism could shine in a work place, but imagine
A person speaking more languages. Just in the U.S.A alone, 30 percent of the economy
Involves international trade, also a bilingual person can increase his salary by 2.8 percent
In hourly wages.

Translation / interpreter jobs are projected to increase 42 percent in the next ten coming years
Which is significantly faster than the average occupation.

So how is a bilingual education different from a monolingual? Well I think it is easy to see that
In the future of this planet it will become an asset for success.
